After 3 seasons of following the adventures of Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph across the four kingdoms of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, fans will finally get to see what happens after the series ends. In Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise Part 1 , we pick up immediately after the end of the series to find our heroes along side Fire King Zuko and Earth King Kuei deciding how best to handle the removal of the Fire Nation colonies. It's decided that The Harmony Restoration Movement, named by Sokka of course, will uproot and move all the Fire Nation colonists back to their homeland in the Fire nation and out of the Earth Nation territory. A fine idea to be sure but it's soon realized some things are not as easy as they seem and Aang must learn if he can bring peace to the Movement as well as keep a difficult promise to a friend. The book contains the usual hi jinks of course, coupled with the its ability to tackle big social and economic issues much like the show ...